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My 5 Favourite Gluten Free Packet Mixes

Sometime packet mixes are great time savers and despite cooking a lot of scratch, I still have a load of packet mixes I love, so here are 5 of my favourites that I still love to use all the time!

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My 5 Favourite Gluten Free Packet Mixes
Yes, packet mixes are the lazy option, but sometimes you really can't be bothered to cook from scratch, even if it does only save a few minutes of weighing out ingredients. For others, packet mixes maybe the saviour if you aren't terribly adept at baking, after all you only need to follow the instructions and add wet ingredients.

When it comes to gluten free packet mixes there is a whole host of them around but they aren't as easily found on the supermarket shelves as gluten filled ones are.

Even someone like me, who is ALWAYS cooking or baking something, likes using packet mixes occasionally and I have used my far share! It's good to see what different results you can get from premixes, different blends of flours can make all the difference and with packet mixes they are sure to have different quantities of all the base elements then the flour blends you have in the cupboard to make products from scratch.

In all honesty, there have been a lot of gluten free packet mixes I'd use and then turn my back on, either because I prefer making my own version or I just didn't find the packet mixes very good. On the other hand, there have been a good few packet mixes that have stuck with me and continue to use regularly, so much so, some of the packet mixes I actually keep a stock of in the house ready for when I need them!

These are five of the packet mixes I really enjoy and use a lot!

Grassroots Bakery Brown Bread Mix
I tried this packet mix on a whim after seeing it advertised on Instagram, thought I'd order it and see what it was like since brown bread is something you can't usually get in a mix. This is the one mix I keep a few bags of on hand now because it is absolutely amazing.

If there is one thing I am not very good at making it is bread, I can make it but there is definitely better readily available in supermarkets. So when I saw this mix I didn't have high hopes, I have tried so many. I followed the instructions and also remembered a tip I was given at Wildcraft Bakery in Leeds "Never make it like proper bread, it should be thinner, almost a batter", so with the instructions and that tip I set to work.

I only needed to add water, oil and an egg, nothing else, mix and let it prove. By Joe, it grew like I had never seen my bread grow before. Still not optimistic, I made rolls from it. Do you know that scene in Star Wars: The Force Awakens when Rey makes food by adding water and it just grows in front of her eyes? Well that's pretty much what this did in the oven, they just grew up and up!

I did expect one big air hole in each but no, when I cut into them they were perfectly soft bread inside with a nice crusty crust! I was so happy I ate 4 in one go. So yes, best bread mix and one of the best breads I have eaten, so this mix is always in my house now!

Mix can be bought from Grassroots Bakery

Wow Cake Company Carrot Cake
I have loved Wow Cake Company's mixes since I tried them at the Allergy Show in Liverpool. They do three packet mixes at the moment, Carrot Cake, Vanilla Sponge and Chocolate Brownie, I have had all three and while all three are so nice, the carrot cake is just something else. Their packet mixes are not only gluten free but also FODMAP friendly too which isn't something you see too often.

Carrot cake is one of those you don't really see in packet mixes very often, I have actually only ever seen carrot cake in a packet mix once before this one and that one wasn't all that good.

When I tried this one that it was incredibly soft and very tasty so I had to get some to make myself at home. Like most packet mixes it was just a case of adding margarine, eggs and of course, carrots.

Like any cake or packet mix it is very easy to make, throw in the oven and bake, the house smelt divine. They worked out just as I'd remembered it being at the Allergy show, soft, fluffy and packed with flavour, a perfect carrot cake that the whole family loved.

I tend to make cakes from scratch but the carrot cake mix is one packet mix I usually do have in the house just because it has the perfect flavour, I don't need to attempt to replicate it when I can just use the mix.

You can buy the Wow Cake Company Carrot cake from Ocado or off their website. You can also read my review of the cake mix here.

Andrew James White Bread
As I already mentioned bread is not my strong point so I will take any help I can get.

When it comes to white bread I like Andrew James mix, but I prefer making this one in the breadmaker rather than oven.

Like Grassroots it is really easy to make just add water and oil. In the breadmaker it takes a few hours (I prefer making not on gluten free setting, just normal setting) but it comes out incredibly soft, like proper white bread should.

I do love this bread but it is quite expensive unless its on sale so it's not one I use a lot but do have as a treat.

You can buy this mix from Andrew James online. I've been lucky enough to try more of their products too which you can read about in this blog.

Betty Crocker Devils Food Cake
I have loved this since it came out it is just so gooey!

Chocolate cake isn't the hardest to make from scratch but there is just something about the Betty Crocker Devils Food Cake mix, it is so gooey and chocolatey and very devilish!

Like other cake mixes it is just a case of adding the wet ingredients, mixing and baking. If you get the frosting to it makes it even more chocolatey.

This mix is available Tesco and is relatively easy to get hold of, it appears in Aldi quite frequently too. we also have a review of it on our site.

Chefs Promise Shortcrust Pastry
I was lucky enough to get to try all of Chefs Promise mixes and really loved the Shortcrust Pastry.

I'm sure a lot of you know by now that shortcrust pastry isn't the easiest to master gluten free. I finally mastered it but this mix is something else.

All the Chefs Promise mix are catering size but they aren't huge, as long as you know you are going to use it semi frequently you'll be fine, the shortcrust mix makes probably 10 pies or so. For catering mixes they are a good price too around £8 each.

All you need to add to this pastry mix is water, nothing else and it makes the most gorgeous pastry, it is crispy and short and holds together perfectly.

The mix contains gluten free vegetable suet which is what makes it so good, definitley a mix I have been using over and over, beats every other pastry I have tried, mix or otherwise.

You can get this mix of Chefs Promise website.

There are so many packet mixes around these days, some good, some bad, there are just so many of them to choose from. Do you have any packet mixes you really love, let us know!

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