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Gluten Free Quinoa Salad

Salads don't have to be just plain boring lettuce, cucumber and tomato. This salad has a quinoa base, this is one that would also work well with gluten free couscous if you aren't a fan of quinoa. Perfect for a working lunch in the sometime, it's a bit more bulked out than a standard salad to make it more filling.

This recipe contains:

Recipe by Alison Wheatley


120g quinoa
500ml vegetable stock
30g cucumber
100g canned chickpeas
1/2 red onion
1/2 chilli
2tsp lemon juice
  • Preparation Time: 15 Mins
  • Cooking Time: 10 Mins
  • This recipe makes 2


1. Place the quinoa in a pan, dissolve the veg stock in boiling water and add to the pan and place on a simmering heat.

2. While the quinoa cooks which will take about 10 mins (it is done once it "pops"), chop the cucumber, red onion and chilli and put in a bowl, drain the chickpeas and also add that to the bowl. Add in the lemon juice and stir.

3. Once the quinoa has all popped, add to the vegetables and mix well, serve either hot or cold.

Nutritional Information (Per serving)

Calories Carbs Fibre Fat Sugar Protein
347 347g 8g 6g 5g 13g

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