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Gluten Free Raspberry Banana Ice Cream Shake

Milkshakes are the best in the summer heat, they might not quench the thirst like something refreshingly fruity but in the hot summer sun, ice cream and fruit topped with whipped cream is just the best treat, they are naturally gluten free but also easy to make vegan or with dairy ice cream, the choice is yours.

This recipe is...

This recipe contains:

  • Soya
Recipe by Alison Wheatley


2 medium bananas
50g fresh raspberries
100g swedish glace raspberry dessert
400ml soya milk
  • Preparation Time: 5 Mins
  • Cooking Time: 5 Mins
  • This recipe makes 2 milkshakes


1. Slice up the banana and place in a blender, add in most of the raspberries, reserving a few for the top if you are topping with cream (if not put them all in). Add in the swedish glace and soya milk.

2. Blend for 10-20 seconds and pour into 2 glasses.

3. To finish, you can top with aerosol cream and a couple of raspberries, or you can drink it straight as it is!

Nutritional Information (Per milkshake)

Calories Carbs Fibre Fat Sugar Protein
239 38g 6g 7g 17g 6g

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