In the list below you can see cities, towns and villages in Denbighshire that we know offer gluten free options, whether these are places to eat, attractions or hotels / B&Bs.
All of the places in our eating out guide are recommended by people just like you, other coeliacs visiting our website wanting to help others eat out safely!
These are the top rated places to eat gluten free in Denbighshire, voted by people just like you!
Gluten free fish and chips available Friday and Saturday
153 High Street, Prestatyn, Denbighshire , LL19 9AS
View all places in PrestatynHeading to Denbighshire? Listed below are all the towns, villages and cities in Denbighshirethat have gluten free places listed in our eating out guide.
Do you use our Eating Out guide often? Why not check out our Coeliac Sanctuary - On the Go App to help you easily find places near you to eat Gluten Free!